Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Focus on Manners!

Title: Focus on Manners!

Source: Super Duper Publications - Created by Audrey Prince

Behavior Objective: Through the use of the Focus on Manners! Fun Deck the students will answer 3 out 4 of the corresponding questions correctly.

Targeted age/grade: K and up

Content Area: Social Skills

Shuffle the deck and place the cards picture side up in a pile. Students pick a card, read the story, look at the illustration, and answer the questions below the story. Students then place cards in two separate piles, one with correct behaviors and the other with incorrect behaviors.

Option #2
Shuffle the deck and place the cards picture side up in a pile. Students pick a card, read the story, look at the illustration, and then retell the story changing the story from appropriate manners to inappropriate and vice versa.

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